Monday, March 2, 2009

go to andy

ATTENTION!!!! this is my last blog here.i have moved it to using wordpress. i also got a little camera (kodak Zi6) so i can video blog while i'm in chicago this week doing my tiny one man show at the improv olympic on thursday.


  1. Andy,
    I'm glad to hear you had a good day. Keep hanging in there.


  2. YEAH Andy, this sounds so much better. I have this beautiful 6' tall daughter who lives in Chicago, got any tickets??

  3. Great news and looking forward to seeing your new site. Just finished watching you on Hulu :). I hope you have many, many, many opportunities to share your gift with all of us. You have many fans.

  4. keep kickin ass at life. Stay active and enjoy the outdoors. Going for that hike was a good move.

  5. Wow. I am so glad I found your blog.

    I was so excited to see that you popped up on Sober House. In my opinion, you are exactly what that show needed (not to mention - it seems to be a healthy move for you).

    I've been a fan of News Radio since forever. Oddly, you "made" that show too - you and your good friend Phil Hartman put it over the top. I'm your same age, so as you grew up, I watched you (that sounds a bit creepy, but I'm sure you get it). After seeing you on Sober House, I went out and found all the old News Radio episodes on I watched one last night - Matthew was at a bar with his co-workers and he was drinking a Perrier. I didn't quite know what to think about that.

    Anyhow, I'm glad to see that you're going forward with sobriety. I have to tell you that you’re helping me out a ton. I started into the program (for the 4th time) a little over 9 months ago – not the best student of AA - I fell off and had a few beers in the Raleigh/Durham airport about 2 weeks ago. But I’m back and happy.

    You help me because I connect with your story in several ways: 1) I was a beer guy too. Towards the end, I didn’t want to do the harder stuff because, as you put it, “It took me out of the game too quick.” I’d never heard anyone say that before – so thank you. 2) Performance artist – I preformed and taught improv in Minneapolis (not Chicago) for almost 10 years (toured the Midwest as a feature act stand-up for a bit). I went to Paul Sills week-long workshop up in Door County a couple years in a row (not sure if you ever did that, but I’m sure you know about it). 3) I used to get panic attacks after heavy nights of drinking. It would scare the crap out of me. This is another reason I drank beer – the panic attacks were worse if I drank the hard stuff. I’ve never heard you say that, but I’ll bet you can relate to that. 4) The obvious - when I start a night of drinking, I don’t know when I am going to stop. I don’t know what I am going to say to whomever I meet. I drank as long as I did because I, mostly by chance, kept things under control. This was the delusion. Everybody else around me could see the truth, but I couldn’t. Finally, I admitted that I was missing out on life so I made the move out of the fog.

    Plenty of dis-similarities between us too. The biggest of course: you wound up being a big fancy-pants celeb – and you are incredibly talented. Please don’t ever question that.

    I used to live in L.A. in the early 90s – behind Greenblats on Sunset (I don’t know if that’s still there). I now live in Minneapolis.

    Medication: Ask Dr. Drew if Lamectal would be right for you. It’s a mood stabilizer. They probably use it for a million other things, but it has worked for me for a long time (mostly in the past 9 months). I’ve never felt nauseous or anything from it. Sonata is another medication I take – helps me fall asleep but does not knock me out and keep me asleep and I never wake up groggy. Most importantly, these are non-addicting (at least I don’t think so). Dr. Drew would know if these are good for you.

    The one thing I don’t see in your blog nor have I heard it on sober house is 12th step work. When I get too into myself, anonymous random acts of kindness pull me right out. Humility and self-centeredness cannot occupy the same bowl.

    I look forward to following you on this blog and in the other work that you do.

  6. I'm 25 now, and I've been a fan for about 10 years. Congratulations on your sobriety!!! I think the way that you handled things on "Sober House" will do wonders for your career. Thanks for being an inspiration to many. I'm in the Chicago area so I hope I can make it to the IO on Thursday. Here's to a kickass show!

  7. hey andy i'm glad you had a good day...i had a great weekend but just read something that upset i feel horrible, this is what sucks for people that struggle with depression and addiction one little thing sets you off and you go the gutter...ughhhhh! anyways just needed to vent

  8. That's AWESOME that you had a good day Andy!! I'm still praying for you!
